About Us

Mission Statement
PRMBC is a place where Christ followers are made, matured in the faith and mobilized to go into the world and witness for Christ. (Matthew 28:19-20)

Vision Statement
PRMBC’s vision is to become a church that brings hope locally and globally through the sharing of The Word of God, producing spiritual growth and transformed lives. (Colossians 1:28)

In the year 1865, a group of Christian pioneer citizens of the Piney Point community, took a step closer to God, and made a property purchase, off the 8000 block of Westheimer Road. This group as led by Rev. Max Austin and Sister Hannah Rasmus. The property was purchased from Mrs. Willie Canfield, for $1.50 per acre. Only one acre was purchased. Included on this site was a designated memorial plot. Shortly thereafter construction began, and the building was ready for occupation in the spring of 1865. The name Pilgrim Rest was submitted by Rev. Max Austin and adopted by the Church.
The first minister to be called as Pastor of Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church was Rev. Max Austin. Rev. J. Blackstock succeeded Rev. Austin as Pastor of the church. Rev. Blackstock pastured the Church approximately 30 years. Due to transportation inconveniences, the church was moved to the corner of Westheimer and Jeanetta; leaving the remaining property in its entirety for memorial space. Rev. Gab Alford was Pastor for 5 years. Rev. Max Austin was called to Pastor again for an additional 5 years.
Under the leadership of Rev. Jones, the Church was again moved to 3401 Jeanetta Road, due to inadequate space.
Rev. C. G. Wilkins was officially called to Pastor Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church, October 5, 1955, and installed on Sunday, October 23, 1955. It was under his inspirational leadership that the present edifice was erected; approximately 63 Deacons were ordained; 20 Junior Deacons were appointed; 20 Trustees were installed; and 20 Associate Ministers accepted their “Calling into the Gospel Ministry”. Rev. Raymond Thymes served the Pilgrim Rest church family as Assistant Pastor from 1981 until his demise in 1983.
Pastor C.G. Wilkins’ saying, “Yours Sure of Heaven”, as he often assured the congregation of his destination, went home to meet his Master and Creator on September 27, 2000. His legacy lives in the rich history of this great church, and the church family and in the appointment of his son, Rev. Daymond A. Wilkins as Interim Pastor in 2021.
Rev. Daymond A. Wilkins was officially called to Pastor Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church, Saturday, August 7, 2021 and installed on Sunday, December 12, 2021.
The Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church will continue to serve an Almighty God in Spirit and in Truth, and will continue to leave a rich, spiritual heritage, so that the generations to come will know that Jesus Christ is Lord


Pilgrim Rest History of Pastors

Rev. Max Austin
1865 - 1876

Rev. J. Blackstock
1876 - 1906

Rev. Gab Alford
1906 - 1911

Rev. Max Austin
1911 - 1916

Rev. Randolph
1916 - 1919

Rev. A. D. Dove
1919 - 1926

Rev. C.E. Bell
1925 - 1933

Rev. Wylie Johnson
1933 – 1941

Rev. E. A. Jones
1941 – 1955

Rev. C. G. Wilkins
1955 – 2000

Rev. Raymond Thymes, Asst Pastor
1981 – 1983

Rev. Charlie Robinson, Presiding Minister
2000 – 2002

Rev. James E. Blake
2002 – 2019

Rev. Tavares J. Armstrong, Asst. Pastor

Rev. Daymond A. Wilkins, Interim Pastor
2020 - 2021

Rev. Daymond A. Wilkins, Pastor
Elected August 7, 2021
Installed Dec 12, 2021